azure ad userinfo endpoint

This gives me the code as a POST request back. Configure Elasticsearch. Review the UserInfo documentation to look over how the call the UserInfo endpoint with this token. To integrate with Azure AD OIDC, it will definitely make our life easier if the /oidc/userinfo endpoint can return the same information from /v1.0/me for a personal account. @hpsin Changes published for this API? Have a question about this project? I used a personal 'msn' account for testing.

Because you can get an ID token at the same time you get a token to call the UserInfo endpoint, we suggest that you use that ID token to get information about the user instead of calling the UserInfo endpoint. The UserInfo endpoint is part of the OpenID Connect standard (OIDC), designed to return claims about the user that authenticated. started getting this message today. For a work account, the userinfo endpoint returns something like: For a personal Microsoft account, only the sub claim gets returned: I also noticed that the access token of a work account is quite different from the access token of a personal account. When using this authentication endpoints we’ll need to get a token with the MS Graph scope and call the UserInfo endpoint – name, preferred username and email. Azure AD v2 is now standards compliant and therefore does implement this. "family_name": "Singhal", UserInfo is a standard OAuth Bearer token API, called like any other Microsoft Graph API using the access token received when getting a token for Microsoft Graph. In OpenId Connect (OIDC) we have the UserInfo endpoint, that’s specifically for the OIDC protocol and we cannot use with OAuth2 protocol. Use the following OIDC permissions to call the UserInfo API.
Find the.well-known configuration endpoint Azure AD B2C does not support userinfo endpoint at this time.
Would love your thoughts, please comment. It's not clear the security risk though - all the keys are held in the same (extremely secure) place., list of claims identified in the OIDC standard, Customize the contents of an ID token using optional claims, Request an access token and ID token using the OAuth2 protocol. And this is how you call the userinfo endpoint in Azure AD. ClientID: 78c635e8–06f9–4ec2–92b8–3a04f1466da1, 2. As a pre-requisite we need to register a new app in Azure AD, note down some properties, and generate a Client Secret. Thank you for your answer, do you know if there are any plans to support it in the future? Note its Application (client) ID; Note the Directory (tenant) ID; Generate a New Client Secret. Hi Faraz We’re sorry. It offers endpoints so your users can log in, sign up, log out, access APIs, and more.,, Using PowerShell to configure a signing certificate for a SAML-based SSO Enterprise Application. Azure Active Directory Developer Support Team, How AuthN do we talk? We will investigate and update as appropriate. As part of the OpenID Connect specification, the UserInfo endpoint is often automatically called by OIDC compliant libraries to get information about the user. This does not impact your ability to use the access token to call the UserInfo endpoint. If you signed in a Microsoft account user, it will be an encrypted token format. I don’t have an ETA at this point. doesn't break it.

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