cheerios advert

BURGI: Well I think there would probably be a similar reaction if, let's say, a same-sex couple was featured. And I'm also curious about your previous experience with ads that has casting that was a bit unusual. espite the ugly backlash incited by a Cheerios commercial featuring a mixed race family, the ad's six-year-old star is all smiles. Sue voiced by Kate Simses. There's, in my mind, there's nothing wrong with reflecting that reality in the advertising we see, just like we're seeing it reflected in our popular media. Welcome, thanks so much for joining us. MARTIN: So, do you remember seeing this ad yourself and do you remember thinking that there would be some reaction? Bullwinkle voiced by Bill Scott and 1 other. There's a lot more people in interracial marriages; there are a lot more people who know someone or are related to somebody. The controversial Cheerios ad featuring an interracial family.
BURGI: Well I only saw the ad once my colleagues at Adweek had written about the firestorm that was showing up on the YouTube comments when Cheerios posted the ad on YouTube. MARTIN: Michael Burgi is the features editor for Adweek.

BURGI: It is hard to speak for Cheerios and I really don't - I have to be careful here. 1. And I think all Cheerios is doing, whether they meant to or not, is putting up a mirror to the fabric of our society today. MARTIN: And what were some of those reactions that caused this response?
Anyone can pretty much say anything and they can hide behind the cover of anonymity. MICHAEL BURGI: Thanks, pleasure to be here. In a song, Cheerios says its cereal goes from seed to oat to "o," and then it adds honey to each bite. Accuracy and availability may vary. All rights reserved. Because it's my - my recollection was that there were a lot of positive comments as well. And I really do believe that this is just a very vocal minority of people who are just struggling to accept the fact that our society and our culture is changing. Cheerios, however, remained otherwise unfazed by the backlash at the time. The cereal brand also claims Honey Nut Cheerios are heart healthy, so people can keep eating breakfast with family, driving race cars and dancing at weddings. All rights reserved. By Scott Stump. Once you've added a video visit "My Queue" to start watching! Host Michel Martin and Michael Burgi of Adweek discuss what the reaction says about marketing to minorities.

And, you know, anonymity can make the biggest cowards much more brave. Do you think there would have been a similar reaction if there had been a same-sex couple, for example, featured in an ad. Despite the uptick in interracial couples on TV, the advertising world, as Ad Age reported last year, has been slow to … MARTIN: You know, we noted that the Pew Research Center did a recent report on interracial relationships. Was Cheerios trying to deliver some sort of message by casting this family as biracial? For the most part the print advertising world is much more edgy and kind of at the forefront on this. To add an item to your queue just click the sign next to the video. YouTube. But I would argue that it's become more common in the era of social media and Internet trolls, people who are out there on the Web looking to spark kind of negative reactions in people by being negative towards them. They found that, using 2010 data, about 15% of new marriages in the United States were between spouses of a different race or ethnicity from one another.

We wanted to talk more about this, so we've called Michael Burgi, he's a features editor for Adweek, and he's with us now. MARTIN: Do you have a sense of, before the comments were disabled, of how widespread the reaction was? A recent Cheerios television ad featuring an interracial family led to some ugly racial comments online. It's actually a very sweet ad that delivers on the message that Cheerios is trying to get across, that it's a heart-healthy product and this little adorable child goes and pours the Cheerios on her dad's chest because she wants his heart to be better. Rocky voiced by June Foray. cheerios slogans, posters & tagline ideas. Try new Cheerios Oat Crunch, Oats ‘N Honey today! BURGI: The most horrific kind of vitriolic, bigoted, racist stuff you'd ever want to read and it's a very good thing, in my mind, that Cheerios disabled the comments because it was just - it was bile of the darkest order. MARTIN: I'm asking you to predict, which is always not fair, but I'm going to ask anyway. We Insist: A Timeline Of Protest Music In 2020. BURGI: It's actually less common than you'd think. Cheerios Cast. So it's been this kind of reaction and then reaction to the reaction.

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