docker tutorial

Hopefully, this should give you an appreciation for the specific feature that we are going to study. Let's open flask-app/ in our favorite editor and make the following change, Oh no!

Once we do that, we see that we can indeed talk to ES on

So that means that when I ran the ES container, it was running in this bridge network.

Before we jump to the next section, there's one last thing I wanted to cover about docker-compose.

The use of containers to deploy applicationsis called containerization. On deletion, you should see the IDs echoed back to you. To validate this, lets try the following -. Make sure you run this command in the container and not in your laptop/desktop. Hence, as a rule of thumb, I clean up containers once I'm done with them. The key benefit of Docker is that it allows users to package an application with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development. Once the container is started, we can see the logs by running docker container logs with the container name (or ID) to inspect the logs. We'll be using Amazon Web Services to deploy a static website, and two dynamic webapps on EC2 using Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic Container Service. Child images are images that build on base images and add additional functionality. Another thing to note before you move away from this screen is the region name. and then run it in development mode by specifying ports and setting an environment variable that configures the Elasticsearch cluster to run as a single-node.

Now imagine you are distributing your app to a friend, or running on a server that has docker installed.

Prerequisites. There's almost always a database (or any other kind of persistent storage) involved. How did you like the tutorial?

It will be in the compute section on the top left. Now you know why they say containers are fast! Behind the scenes, a lot of stuff happened. Good question! from my Mac. If you're on Linux, then prefix your docker commands with sudo. Here we provide the name of the keypair we downloaded initially (ecs in my case), the number of instances that we want to use (--size) and the type of instances that we want the containers to run on. In this section, that's what we're going to explore.

Those were created automatically by Compose. If you are curious, feel free to take a look at the files. If you haven't already, please go ahead and do that now - you will need to enter your credit card information. In the above command, -d will detach our terminal, -P will publish all exposed ports to random ports and finally --name corresponds to a name we want to give. Go ahead and open the URL in your browser and you should see the application in all its glory. We start with specifying our base image. We also set this as our working directory, so that the following commands will be run in the context of this location.

Now that we have it installed, we can jump on the next step i.e. If you have a bunch of containers to delete in one go, copy-pasting IDs can be tedious.

While we've built images from scratch, we haven't touched any application code yet and mostly restricted ourselves to editing Dockerfiles and YAML configurations. We start off with the Ubuntu LTS base image and use the package manager apt-get to install the dependencies namely - Python and Node.

For this, we'll require Nodejs.

An important distinction to be aware of when it comes to images is the difference between base and child images. To start, create a new blank file in our favorite text-editor and save it in the same folder as the flask app by the name of Dockerfile.

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