tableau connect to azure sql database

[user_updates] DESC; We hope this is useful to you and we’re curious to read your comments and feedback on how you use Tableau and Azure SQL DB.             [s]. Find and share solutions with our active community through forums, user groups and ideas. [statement] specify where you need to make click with the mouse. [equality_columns],

To connect Tableau to SQL Server, first, Under the Connect to a Server section, Please select the Microsoft SQL Server Option [system_scans], [s]. [user_updates], [s]. Be cautious about dropping indexes that are used to define uniqueness.

[last_user_seek], [migs]. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav13n=MSFPpreload("_derived/SQLServer2019.htm_cmp_radius110_vbtn.gif"); MSFPnav13h=MSFPpreload("_derived/SQLServer2019.htm_cmp_radius110_vbtn_a.gif"); } Next you need image, I added the County attribute on the columns and added "Month Name" and // -->