how do i stop excel from opening a blank workbook when i open an existing file?

In my computer it was fault in regeditor..

I had checked the other suggestions but none of them applied to my situation. Drop us a line in the comments and we’ll look into it! I had one anyway (containing all my VBA utilities), but if you don't then you need to create one. You should know that this file is normally stored in the C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART folder.

Your email address will not be published. it is normal that it opens on Edge; however, there is an option for you to open the file/s either on Excel or Excel online.

Turns out it was an Add-in.

I want Excel to stop opening book1.xls when I open another workbooks. Your email address will not be published. I even replaced it with the folder location and the file opened twice. In theory, another way you could get rid of Personal.xlsb is to delete it from this folder.

Angela - have you tried copying that macro over into your personal macros? I wonder if I have accidentally set Excel up to us a macro that means it needs to open the file? I would never have found it without all the directions here.

If this entire time I’ve been talking about macros you’ve had no idea what they are and why you’d need them, then you can probably safely delete Personal.xlsb from this folder. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

go to the copied location and delete the File . Finally found solution today. Username is your username...

Here's what I resorted to. - All instances of XLSTART are empty (no hidden files either) Hi, I know this is possible, but forgotten how to do it. C:\users\userID\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\. I was able to put those rarely used documents into another folder. It doesn't even open the last one that I used, which would be more practical!

Thank you indeed The first workbook that xl automtically opens always seems to be called Book1, so that takes care of that.

You can help protect yourself from scammers by verifying that the contact is a Microsoft global customer service number. I can click File > Open File Location and see that the folder is not an XLSTART folder, but just an ordinary location on a networked drive. I am NOT trying to open a file from OneDrive in Edge but from search results from my desktop search box.

Thank you so much!!

Thanks to Sarah, who commented below.

Here's the Chipmeister again:

Excellent! Thanks for the hint, but this does not work for me.

When I moved the file to a different folder, it wouldn't open but I would get an error every time I opened Excel saying that if couldn't find that file.

If Microsoft Excel opens a blank grey document or worksheet for you, then here are a few things you could do to fix the problem effectively. Open it in a different folder and delete the contents and hoola its done. You can open Excel in safe mode by pressing and holding Ctrl while you start the program, or by using the /safe switch (excel.exe /safe) when you start the program from the command line. Every time I try Excel crashes again. Thank you for the clear/concise solution.

It's driving me crazy. - I've even tried appending the "/e" to the target (in Excel properties)

Thanks for marking this as the answer.

Any workaround for that? Save my name and email and send me emails as new comments are made to this post. 2) You need to understand about Application Events. I finally fixed it by going to Options -> Add-Ins -> Manage (Go...) and I saw that file had been created as an add in. Now, Personal.xlsb will continue to open but it’ll be hidden from view.

Personal.xlsb is where the macros that you’ve personally created are stored, and it differentiates your Excel macros from any scripts or extensions that your organization uses.

In this way, you’ll still have access to the macros you’ve recorded, but you won’t see that pesky Personal.xlsb window anymore. I am on Mac with Excel v16.16.2 and this problem continues. Such a time (and energy) saver :)

I searched and searched but only you have solved my issue.

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